
Hospital Profile

Hospital Based: Full-fledged ICU facilities for all types of emergencies with sophisticated and Hi-tech equipment. Taking in the mind shortage of ICU facilities in the area of Sangamner and near surrounding areas dependent on it, Sangivan Hospital & Research Center has launched an ultra modern fully equipped multi facility ICU at the present location, for all types of patients needing intensive care. The ICU has all medical facilities and is managed by expert doctors and administrators.

1) Ayurvedic (Chronic + Acute disease)
2) Allopathic (General diseases )
3) Physiotherapy (Chronic disease)

IPD (In Patient Department )
This section includes Seven Differnent independent IPD Wards for male & female patients like... 1)Kayachikitsa
5)Prasuti & Striroga

OPD (Out Patient Department )
There are Eight consulting rooms with facilities for Clinical Examination. OPD complex is having 8 Differnet OPD's Reception & Registration Cell with Medical Record Room and waiting area for the patients.
4)Shalakyatantra- A)Netra rog B)Karna-nasa-shiro-mukha rog
5)Prasuti & Striroga
7)Swastha Rakshan & Yoga

Operation Theater
There are well equipped Operation Theatres having laminar flow facility. These theatres are located on the first floor and are well equipped with Hi-tech surgical instruments. Equipments such as C-arm, Arthroscopy, Latest L&T Minimon, Ventilators, Operating Microscope & Anaesthetic Machines including ETCO2. All OT's have Central Oxygen & Suction facility. Fumigator, Advanced Hydraulic Operation Table, etc. is also available at the OT Complex. Recovery Room with independent Anaesthetic Machine, Monitors is also available at OT Complex. Saperate Minor OT for Ksharsutra & Minor Operative Procedures is also available. Saperate Operation Theater is available for Gynyac Department in saperate Complex. Separate Labour Room is available in both OT Complexes.

Panchakarma Department
The Panchakarma Therapy is unique treatment of ayurveda to maintain the health and harmony of body and mind. All panchakarmas are done with standard operating procedures in the college hospital.
The subject of panchakarma is in the curriculum of BAMS Under graduation (Fourth year) as well as Post graduation. This subject enlighten the students with the knowledge of fivefold biopurificatory methods of Ayurveda and other minor procedures to maintain the health and cure the diseases.

To educate the students with fivefold biopurificatory methods of Ayurveda and other minor procedure.
Orientation of students in theory as well as practical demonstration to student. To conduct research projects through PG students to find out efficient treatments for the diseases.

Features of the department
We have saperate sections for Male & Female Patients. also we have, both male & female Panchakarma Assistants & therapist. our hospital provide panchakarma treatment modalities like snehan, swedan, Vaman, Virechan, Basti,Rakta mokshan, nashya, shirodhara, shirobasti, Leech Therapy, viddhakarma, agnikarma, katibasti, janubasti,manyabasti, cupping therapy. We have our speciality in Keralian panchakarma like Pindswed,Patrapottalli, Pizichchel.

X-Ray Department
The department is open round the clock for routine X-rays and for contrast procedures like IVP, Myelography Sinogram & Arteriography etc. USG investigations are done here for abdomen, chest and soft tissue studies in cold orthopaedic cases. The department is equipped with MA Machine, Digital X-ray Machine, Portable X-ray Machines and facilities for conducting USG, ECG and CT Scan.

Physiotherapy Department
"Physiotherapy is a health care concerned with human function and movement and maximizing potential: It uses physical approaches to promote, maintain and restore physical, psychological and social well-being, taking account of variations in health status." Physiotherapists work in a wide variety of health settings such as intensive care, mental illness, stroke recovery, occupational health, and care of the elderly.

Yoga Department
Separate Yoga hall & two yoga experts are available in our hospital.

Pathology Department
The well equipped pathological Laboratory is managed by qualified pathologists and qualified technicians. All types of tests such as Biochemistry, Microbiology & Histopathology etc. are carried out using the usual lab equipments which includes Gas Analyzers & Semi Auto Analyzers etc.

Ayurved Rasa shala
A well equipped Ayurved Rasa Shala is attached with Quality control lab. In Rasa Shala production of Ayurvedic Medicines like Guti, Wati, Churna, Kadha, Bhasma etc..takes place & These Medicines are distributed free of cost to hospital patients. The Rasa Shala have following equipments with trained staff.
3)Tablet Making Machine
5)Electric Muffle furnace
6)Kadha Making Machine
8)Various size & types of Khalva yantra.

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